Come ogni anno, Gosho Aoyama risponderà ad una serie di domande che i fan gli faranno.
Giorno stabilito: 02/01/2016
DOMANDE E RISPOSTE GOSHO AOYAMA DAY 2016 (rilevanti per la trama)
D: Nel volume 85, quando Bourbon e Vermouth stanno parlando delle spie di cui Gin sospetta che stiano entrando: è un presagio?
R: Presagio, huh. Bè.. Si, lo è. Il movie di quest'anno (movie 20) sarà più o meno su questo..
Q: Volume 85, when Bourbon and Vermouth are talking about how Gin suspects spies are getting in: is that foreshadowing?
A: Foreshadowing, huh. Well... Yes, it is. This year's movie will be more or less about that so...
D: Per il film di quest'anno "The Darkest Nightmare", quale colore pensa che si potrebbe dare a questo film nero pece per trasmettere i sentimenti contenuti? Qual è il colore più adatto?
R: Huh! Questo è un po' pericoloso (nel senso che deve evitare gli spoiler); hm, bè credo che ciascun spettatore sceglierà il proprio colore.. Credo.. è molto difficile da dire, mi spiace.
Q: Now... This year's film "The Darknest Nightmare": what color feelings do you think we should give to this pitch black movie? What's the fitting color in your opinion?
A: Huh! That's a bit dangerous (in the sense that he has to avoid spoilers). Hum... Well, I guess each viewer should choose their own color... I think. It's a bit hard to say. Sorry.
D: Sto pensando che ci possano essere persone come Amuro o Akai dei servizi segreti o dell'FBI infiltrate nell'organizzazione degli uomini in nero.. E se invece fosse il contrario, ovvero che i MIB sono infiltrati nella Polizia Giapponese o nell'FBI o nei dintorni di Conan?
R: Ah.. Hai chiesto di un argomento doloroso.. (Penso sia il suo modo per dire "Non te lo dirò").
Q: Eh... I think that there might be people like Amuro or Akai from the PSB or the FBI sneaking int the BO but... Could there be the inverse, that BO are sneaking into Japanese police or FBI or in Conan's surroundings?
A: Ah... You bring up a painful topic... (Might be his way of saying: "I won't tell you")
D: Non è che potrebbe dirci chi è la ragazzina che Sera sta nascondendo?
R: Non lo posso dire, mi spiace, Non ci sono altri argomenti di cui parlare?
Q: Also... Maybe you can't tell us but... Who's the girl that Sera's hiding?
A: I can't say that but... Really. Are there no other topics?
DOMANDE E RISPOSTE GOSHO AOYAMA DAY 2016 (non rilevanti per la trama)
D: Ran usa sempre il "Gallpagos" (telefono giappo ormai vecchio); prima o poi passerà ad uno smartphone?
R: B-bè.. Hai ragione; è un argomento complicato.. Bè, hm.. è un po' imbarazzante che non si chiuda ad un certo punto.. Ma.. Forse lo cambierò un giorno, o almeno è quello che penso qualche volta. Scusatemi.
Q: Ran's always using a Gallpagos phone: won't she switch to a smartphone at some point?
A: W-well... You're right. It's a complicated topic... Well... Hum... It feels a bit ankward that it doesn't close somewhat but...
Maybe I'll change it someday, or so I think from time to time... Sorry.
D: Ecco, qualcuno mi ha chiesto di chiederle questo: Kir, Bourbon, Cherry (credo intedesse Sherry), quando sono in modalità "organizzazione uomini in nero", i tratti dei loro occhi diventano quelli di stranieri: sono di razza mista?
R: Ah, non proprio. Quando Conan è sorpreso anche i tratti dei suoi occhi assumono quelli degli stranieri. Li disegno in quel modo quando voglio rappresentare occhi spaventati: non ci sono significati particolari. Mi spiace. Ma forse, (Gosho usa qualche parola strana, perché non riesce a trovare quella giusta per esprimersi), sono anche a metà.
(Secondo la persona che ha scritto questa frase, Gosho stava cercando una parola alternativa a "metà", quindi un altro modo per dire "razza mista").
Q: Well... Someone asked to me ask this but... Kir, Bourbon, Cherry (guess he meant to say Sherry), their eyes turn into foreigners when BO mode: are they mixed race8?
A: Ah... No, nott really. When Conan gets surprised he also gets foreigner-like eyes so... I draw them like that when I want to portray scared eyes: there's no special meaning to them. Sorry.
But they maybe (some odd word: apparently Gosho can't come up with the word he wants to use) half, even.
(According to the person who wrote this it might be that he was trying to think of alternative word to "half", another way to tell mixed race characters apart)
Q: Volume 88. Sato's flashy outfit: are those plain clothes? In the same volume: Takagi Wataru is wearing flashy too but has his police notebook got downgraded to senior policeman, did you know?
He should be a police sergeant but both the Shonen Sunday chapter and the volume chapter read "senior policeman".
A: It got mistaken with police sergeant. Sorry, I meant, he IS a police sergeant.
And... Maybe Sato's plain clothes were borrowed frum Yumi?
Incidentally, the next case involves Yumi and Sato... Well... That's... It begins with a scene having the 2 of them walking in front of Shinjuku's Alta. (Fashion store in Tokyo)
Chuukichi also shows up.
Q: Is there a "fake" (a red herring) in the manga that no-one's noticed yet?
A: Ah... Huh... There is. No-one's noticed it yet. It'll soon be reffered to. In Volume 18 (speculated to be the APTX victim list and the "Haneda" name there)
Q: Could they be inside of characters who've already shown up or will show up in the future?
A: That's... welll... No comment. Please switch question topic.
Q: Also... Maybe you can't tell us but... Is Vermouth an ally?
A: Huh? I can't say that. Really. An ally? (Looks troubled). Are you finished?
Q: Vermouth and Shinichi's mom knew other as fellow actresses but... Both know a lot about each other and seem to get along pretty well but...
How should I put it like...? How well do they get along?
A: Well... They're both actresses.
Q: I meant: how do they get along about how they know a lot about each other?
A: Not really.
Q: Please give us a hint regarding what you've said about that of Volume 18 no-one knows about!
A: You bring it up...? Why...? I'm saying no-one knows it... Hmmmm...
Well... You could say that someone might show up... When you see their name you'll go "Really?" or something like that...
Hmmm... Sheesh. Let's leave it at there. You'll enjoy it when you read it so look forward to it.
Q: Is there someone, some character that proved to be very hard to draw or think of?
A: Ah. Hmmm... Huh... Not sure... Akai or Gin, maybe. I wanted them to be cool and scary at the same time and it proved to be hard to.
The conté crayons I drew recently ago needed several redos.... It was rather... Hum... Somewhat... Let's leave it at there.
If I go I might end up spoilering something so.
(Gosho) President: I don't have much time to fix these... (President?) It's a bit wrong... (Gosho) What's a bit wrong?
Yeah. You see, it became like a hoodlum, even. Felt like behaving like Gin, even.
Q: What's with Ran's hairstyle?
A: Ah. Sorry. That must be it... T-that's, well, ended up like that, I guess. Hmmm... I wanted it to be a hairstyle with style so... I went with that symbol... Or, rather...
... Make it so that you can tell it's Ran even from a distance. Like when she's in the midst of a crowd... So that's why I made it like that. Sorry.
More like AstroBoy's angel head.
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